The beginning.
Camosun Street at SW Marine Drive, just steps from western end of 41st Avenue.
I tried to take a photo of each street intersection and only missed one or two.
Line-up outside Save on Foods.
Well equipped lawn and garden maintenance truck.
Kerrisdale was the most populated area of 41st Avenue, but not very.
Sorry, I am not sure if he made that bus.
Monkey Puzzle and Magnolia in one yard!
The former Oakridge transit centre, destination for all those "41st and Oak" buses back in the day.
The boulevard so recognizable to any Vancouverite.
First of two reflections.
Cree Street opposite.
Something about clothes out to dry.
Worthwhile signage!
Mountain View Cemetery. Somewhere in this general direction is my paternal Great-Grandfather (1882-1958)'s unmarked grave. Born in Finland, he fled a military family as a boy by stowing away
on a ship to Montreal. He later settled in Intola, Ontario in a Finnish community, and had two children. One of them was my Grandfather (1913-1971), who would have been a young boy at the
time of 1918-19 Influenza pandemic.
One of 35 or so discarded gloves spotted.
Several of these spotted.
Proper distancing at Earle's Park.
One of the five or so discarded masks spotted during the walk.

East end of 41st Ave, at Joyce Street.
Sir Guy Carleton Elementary School, building at left among the oldest school buildings in the city.